
Quit smoking - Allen Carr's method

Allen Carr's method is a type of psychotherapy. It is a method that deals with psychological nicotine addiction or the psychological need or desire to smoke. It is the opposite of other methods of quitting smoking. We refer to other quitting methods as "willpower methods" because regardless of whether a smoker uses patches, gum, acupuncture, laser therapy, or hypnosis, there always comes a moment when they must confront the real problem: the psychological need to light up.

They can take as many pills or apply as many patches as they want, but if they don't free themselves from the longing for a cigarette, they will eventually need willpower.

Quitting smoking with willpower causes many problems. The main one is that smokers believe they are being deprived of something that gives them pleasure and support.

This feeling of loss ("deprivation") creates a terrible conflict, a "willpower conflict"? the smoker wants to quit, but at the same time desperately craves a cigarette. This mental conflict fuels a spiral of emotions, causing ? in many cases ? physical symptoms that smokers attribute to quitting.

Even people who manage to quit smoking using willpower and are already free from physical nicotine addiction often remain frustrated, bitter, and full of fears.

We believe that the physical symptoms of nicotine withdrawal are weak and very much like hunger pangs. It's a feeling of "emptiness and unease," a feeling that "something is missing."

The real nightmare for a smoker trying to quit smoking is the psychological depression resulting from the belief that they are depriving themselves of genuine pleasure and support.

Every smoker knows that smoking is unhealthy, expensive, and antisocial. So what keeps them smoking when they would rather quit?

It's fear. Fear that without cigarettes:

they won't be able to enjoy life or cope with stress

they won't be able to relax or focus

they will have to endure trauma to break free

they might never fully break free and will always crave a cigarette

All these fears stem from illusions about smoking and nicotine addiction. The illusion that smoking:

provides pleasure

helps to relax or focus

relieves stress or boredom, etc.

If this were true, smokers would be more relaxed, less stressed, or bored than non-smokers.

Using logical and rational arguments, Allen Carr debunks all these myths and illusions, showing smokers how the "nicotine trap" works. This knowledge gives the smoker trying to quit control over what is happening to them.

When the smoker realizes all this, their attitude toward cigarettes changes, their psychological attitude and fear of quitting disappear. Breaking free from the addiction is seen as regaining freedom, relief.

If they realize that smoking has no benefits, that they are not losing anything and are not giving up anything at all, they no longer need willpower. The method directs the smoker's will against smoking, instead of forcing them to struggle with the conflict of wills /I want - I can't/.

Contrary to popular belief, we argue that if a smoker fully understands the mechanism of the nicotine trap and follows a few simple instructions, quitting smoking can be easy and does not have to involve enduring unpleasant withdrawal symptoms.

We do not use any additional aids, no substitutes, no chemistry, hypnosis, etc.

The session takes the form of a seminar, lasts about 6 hours, and is conducted in small groups of a few people. The session is led by a licensed Allen Carr therapist. Trainers are very carefully selected and undergo intensive, year-long training. They are all former smokers who have quit the habit using the Easyway method. They understand smokers. They are not their enemies.

During the session, which is group therapy, concluded with a half-hour relaxation exercise, smokers are encouraged to smoke during breaks without restrictions because they need those few hours to mature their decision, dispel any doubts, and achieve the right attitude. They free themselves from the illusionary belief that smoking gives them any pleasure or help. They get rid of the sense of injury and loss, the feeling that they are making a real sacrifice. This frees them from the fear that prevented them from quitting smoking.

For most participants, one main session is enough to become a non-smoker forever. Only a few need further support. In such cases, we offer two additional, free reinforcing seminars.

Anyone who returns to smoking within three months, despite attending both reinforcing seminars, will receive a full refund.

No additional conditions. Smokers receive a written guarantee.

Allen Carr's Easyway To Stop Smoking organization -

2006 plastmed.en
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