
Engaging with nature

The Chinese proverb says that only three-tenths of a woman's beauty is owed to nature. The rest we improve for centuries. Computer graphics designers are increasingly improving nature. Often, a model with a scanned image of a baby's face applied to her face quickly boosts the sales of an "unrivaled" mask.

At the current level of technology, any dream can be produced. But even though the skin on the screen is twice as good as in reality, the world would be poorer without these beautiful girls.

Women's magazines warn that natural charm does not exempt from effort because it can easily be neglected by relying only on nature. And the naturalness of the lack of time Polish Mother who enters Europe with unshaved legs, sighs with natural, sagging breasts and asks the Creator who is actually the image of misery and despair here. There is supposedly no natural female ugliness. There is only negligence, seeking excuses, such as children, work. And trusting only nature ends with the husband leaving with a suitcase to the fans who cut two ribs. Also, success in business is no longer decided by the naturalness of grace but by makeup artists, surgeons, dieticians, tanning salon owners, and fitness club owners.

According to cosmetic company studies, well-groomed men have orgasms more often, are more willingly employed, advance faster, and do not have to draw attention to themselves with a joke like their unshaven colleagues with a belly or other defects of nature. There is something to it that the taller the man, the higher the starting salary. Better "packaged" people just have more success, and there are as many "packages" as there are environments from traditional to urban young professional. The need for group membership and acceptance increasingly directs us.

Bad dress, like bad teeth and natural (though not always the most beautiful) odor, is a signal to superiors that if a person cannot cope with themselves, they will not cope with other tasks. Conservative organizational cultures strictly adhere to the style of everyday wear, the so-called corporate look. Therefore, it is safer to dress appropriately for the situation than your own fantasy, a too-long dress, pretentious jewelry. Some corporations also prefer shaved men. However, too much artificiality also raises suspicions. A team of psychologists observes whether candidates are too formal. Forced, unnatural behavior raises suspicions that the individual is fabricating. One of the methods used during recruitment is the so-called assessment center, which involves careful observation of the candidate in action, for example, in a group discussion. It happens that naturally shy individuals, whom a trainer convinced during training that open body language, spreading hands, not crossing legs is the most effective, look comical when considering a gesture "appropriate" to the conversation topic just before applying it. Adapting to the situation is a desirable trait, but it must be skillful. Courses and wise textbooks teach the symbolism of individual gestures. However, one should not exaggerate with theory.

The demands of political propaganda sometimes violate the naturalness of gestures. Certainly, one should not learn PR from politicians who use exceptionally artificial facial expressions. This often leads to misunderstandings about what they want to convey. There are, of course, exceptions. However, politicians are not harmed by artificiality, but it can be detrimental to us. Besides, women has not yet embraced the philosophy of PR, so it is still unnatural for us that someone is smiling while talking about serious matters, like a TV presenter. Stylists also warn that imitation should be done with sensitivity. Different styles fit provincial teachers and secretaries who sign documents for the director. And about the fact that phrases about inner beauty are a big fraud, everyone who has not succeeded in their career due to yellow teeth or short stature knows. Naturalness seems to exist only in close relationships between people. Although women is not so concerned about being oneself yet because strong family ties are still prevalent, it is better not to show up without makeup and in worn-out slippers in public places.

If we want to recreate someone, there is no need to look into their interior; just apply colorful scarves to their face and see if they harmonize well. But makeup artists treat makeup as psychotherapy. In a stylistic studio, you can choose hair color, neckline shape, jewelry size to match your silhouette. Just make yourself happier. Computers help in this. The mutual interactions of eye color, hair, and skin create a combination of about four million types of beauty: the yellow of an unripe lemon, the fir green, the brown of bitter chocolate (nature, as you can see, is still irreplaceable in naming pigments). With the received palette and "before and after" photos, you can confidently go to the store. The naturalness of features, the uniqueness of defects, freckles, red curls remain. Young painted women look fantastic! And nature doesn't have to have much to do with it.

After all, every woman feels in the morning in front of the mirror that something needs to be done. There is nothing wrong with emphasizing cheekbones with makeup in winter, which gives the skin lightness that we currently lack in our climate. Specialists warn that the most disfiguring are unnaturally beautified hair. It's a pity that still 70% of women get permanent and dye their hair at home. They still think that a blonde with blue eyes and a mole is the peak of beauty. They often wear straw instead of hair. Not to mention the redness of aging buffet ladies.

Men are also seeking changes. After all, nature told them to fulfill themselves rather in action than to serve as an object of admiration. In the past, people laughed at rococo dandies who put wigs with powder on their powdered faces. Today, there is no sign of fatigue on men's faces thanks to an anti-wrinkle series, a naturally shining nose touched with powder, irritation after shaving masked with concealer, briefs stiffened on the buttocks, and a "turkey wattle" under the scalpel. Every tenth client of beauty salons is a man. Although the most popular male corrective treatment is still hair transplantation (those with baldness feel inferior, so hair is taken irregularly from the neck to achieve a natural effect), men are increasingly improving themselves. They like to cut excess skin from the abdominal area, improve biceps and noses. This gives the effect of a sporty lifestyle. In carnival, they often inject botox, which, by paralyzing muscles, makes the smile eternal and flawless for several months. Although it can be seen that the masculine nature does not excessively attract men to effeminate absorbing cosmetic activities. They do not like, for example, greasy and sticky creams, and they prefer to rub them in rather than pat them in.

2006 plastmed.en
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