
Sauna secrets

Sauna is an alternating bath - once hot, and once cold. This is where the secret of its extraordinary effects and very good influence on the whole body lies. Thanks to this thermal treatment, the skin of the entire body is cleansed of fat, sebum, and dead cells. It becomes clean and smooth and begins to breathe better. This allows for better absorption of various nutritional and moisturizing preparations.

Moreover, sauna baths toughen the body - they strengthen the immune system, thereby providing a defense against colds. They may also provide relief from headaches and certain respiratory system diseases.

Some specialists recommend sauna once a week, others even twice. Opinions on how much time should be spent in it are also divided. Some claim up to 45 minutes, others up to 1.5 hours (of course, with necessary breaks to rest from high temperatures and to cool down the body). We use three entries at a time. A greater number of entries does not improve the effects of bathing.

The sauna cleanses the body of metabolic products and toxins, and during treatments, body fluids move, the skin temperature rises to 40°C, subcutaneous vessels dilate, while internal vessels constrict, the heart rate accelerates, blood pressure initially rises, but decreases towards the end of the treatment, and the frequency of breaths also increases, leading to lung ventilation.

For a healthy individual, all these changes are beneficial, constituting a training for the circulatory and respiratory systems. Hormonal changes also occur during the treatment. The hypothalamic-pituitary system, which controls the entire endocrine system, is stimulated. In summary, the sauna has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and mental condition. After the stimulation period, calmness ensues, sometimes leading to drowsiness.

Sauna is not a medical treatment, but its beneficial effects on our body have long been known. It strengthens, cleanses, and increases endurance - in other words, it does a lot of good for our bodies. Staying in the sauna causes increased sweating, but this does not mean that the sauna aids in weight loss! Weight loss is temporary and quickly compensated.

Swiss doctors have proposed using the sauna to treat hypertension. The aforementioned thermal exercises are of paramount importance for blood vessels. After just 15 sauna sessions, arterial blood pressure returns to normal in most cases. Improved blood circulation - which occurs during sauna use - leads to better nutrition and cleansing of the body's cells. Scientists have proven that the sauna stabilizes blood pressure - it raises it in those with too low blood pressure, lowers it in hypertensive patients, and stabilizes pressure fluctuations in those prone to it. Individuals with heart defects and weakness should remember that besides temperature, humidity, body positioning, and the duration of sauna use also affect the circulatory system. In special cases, it would be advisable to consult a doctor about how long one can stay in the sauna and at what temperature.

There are many different types of saunas, each characterized by different temperature conditions and air humidity. The traditional Finnish sauna is the most well-known type of sauna. In Finnish saunas, the air temperature usually ranges from 70°C to 100°C, and the humidity is relatively low, typically ranging from 10-20%. These saunas are usually made of wood and use dry, hot air to heat the body. In steam saunas, the air temperature is lower than in Finnish saunas, usually ranging from 40°C to 50°C, but the humidity is much higher, reaching up to 100%. Essential oils are often used to aromatize the air in steam saunas. These saunas focus mainly on moisturizing and relaxation. Infrared saunas use infrared radiation to heat the body without heating the air around it. The temperature in infrared saunas is lower than in Finnish saunas, typically ranging from 40°C to 60°C. Compared to traditional saunas, infrared saunas are often considered more comfortable for some people. Bio saunas are an intermediate type of sauna between Finnish saunas and steam saunas. The air temperature usually ranges from 60°C to 70°C, and the humidity is moderate, ranging from 40-60%. These saunas are often used to achieve a balance between dry heat and moisture. Coastal saunas are a type of sauna where the air temperature is lower than in traditional Finnish saunas, typically ranging from 45°C to 65°C, and the humidity is moderate. Coastal saunas are often placed on the shores of lakes or seas, allowing for cooling off in the water after a sauna session. Ice saunas are a specific type of sauna where the temperature is very low, usually below -100°C. People using ice saunas enter for a short time to experience extreme cooling after a traditional sauna session.

The type of sauna to choose depends on personal preferences regarding temperature and humidity, as well as the purpose of using the sauna (for relaxation, health improvement, or skin moisturization). As in life, it is important to remember about the appropriate time spent in the sauna and to use it in moderation to avoid potential negative effects.

2006 plastmed.en
Osoby online: 206
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