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Our dreams - dream book

Sleeping is as natural and essential an activity as eating. Most people fall asleep at least briefly during the day. There is no person who does not sleep at all. Although no one knows exactly what the beneficial effects of sleep on health are, it is widely accepted that such an impact exists, if only because a lack of sleep impairs our functioning. Numerous discoveries in the fields of physiology and psychology indicate the existence of many mechanisms through which sleep affects our well-being. For a hundred years, it has been known from scientific experiments that animals, such as rats or dogs, artificially deprived of the ability to sleep, die, and the younger the animal, the more sensitive it is. It has not been established whether human insomnia can also lead to death. However, we know that even a slight lack of sleep can cause our well-being and efficiency to fall below the norm, and chronic sleep deprivation can lead to stunted growth, weakened immunity to infections, and impaired ability to concentrate and make decisions.

At a basic level, sleep can be described as a natural response to fatigue. The body slows down its activity: the body and brain rest. However, sleep brings a qualitatively different kind of rest than a break in activity without falling asleep. During sleep, many physical and brain processes undergo transformation; the impact of some of these transformations on health is clear to us, but the significance and consequences of others still remain a mystery.

Since ancient times, as long as humans have inhabited the earth, there has been a belief in dreams. For millennia, from ancient epochs, an enormous amount of works has been devoted to the interpretation of dreams, the translation of dreams, and divination in dreams. Many thousands of years before our era, priests from ancient Egypt, Assyria, and Persia sought the meaning of dreams, grounding their powerful knowledge in the exploration and interpretation of dream experiences, star divination, and the understanding of human characters, read from facial features and other physical traits of a person.

A dream book is a collection of the most common dream scenarios, which includes a large number of dream symbols and their interpretations. Dream books attempt to explain the basic symbols that appear in dreams, but the interpretation based on them must be related to the dreamer's overall situation, and each dream should be interpreted separately. There is no clear recipe for interpreting individual symbols.

Despite the widespread belief that dreams can predict the future, scientists are convinced that the sleep period is a time for sorting human memory (including elements of subconscious memory) in which dream images arise based on experienced situations and emotions.

When interpreting dreams, it should be remembered that they have an individual interpretation in the context of a specific person, and rarely does their symbolism have a uniform meaning. It turns out that available dream books increasingly divide entries in the context of situations. Specialists dealing with the subject of dreams and dream interpretations argue that creating your own dream book is a good way to get to know oneself - based on what you dreamed, creating your own, individual dream book.

Interestingly, based on the fascination with dreams, a literary convention called oneirism has developed. It involves presenting reality in the form of a dream, a dream, sometimes a nightmare. Usually, the work then has an irrational, absurd character, inconsistent with the principles of probability. Cause-and-effect relationships and logical consequences of events are blurred.

Shamanic Dream Books

Shamanic dream books are ancient tools used by shamans and practitioners of shamanism for dream interpretation. Shamanism is a spiritual tradition and practice that has its roots in many cultures around the world, especially among indigenous peoples. Shamanic dream books differ from traditional dream books because they follow a different approach to dreams and spiritual understanding.

In shamanism, a dream is considered a journey of the soul. Dreams are seen as a window to other worlds that can provide insight into spiritual mysteries and the future. Shamanic dream books help those practicing shamanism interpret their dreams to gain insight into the spiritual world and discover the meaning of their visions.

In the shamanic tradition, sleep is treated as a path to communication with spirits, ancestors, and other spiritual beings. Shamanic dream books help identify symbols and signs that appear in dreams, which may contain messages from spirits. Interpreting these symbols and signs is a crucial element of shamanic practice.

Shamanic dream books often contain symbolic descriptions of animals and plants, which are considered spiritual guides. For example, a dream about a wolf may be interpreted as an invitation to discover one's inner wolf - strength and instinct. A dream about an eagle may symbolize a desire for freedom and a bird's-eye view. In shamanism, sleep is also perceived as a time when the soul can leave the body and travel to other worlds. Shamanic dream books help interpret these spiritual journeys and understand their significance for the dreamer. A dream may inspire the pursuit of specific spiritual practices or meditation. Shamanic dream books are not only tools for interpreting dreams but also part of a larger system of spiritual practices within shamanism. Shamanic beliefs and practices vary depending on culture and region, but shamanic dream books remain a common tool used to explore mysterious and spiritual aspects of reality.

For practitioners of shamanism, shamanic dream books provide valuable insight into the spiritual world and offer tools to discover the meaning of their dreams. This mysterious tool helps build a bridge between the world of dreams and reality, as well as refine spiritual knowledge and shamanic practices.

2006 plastmed.en
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