

Fitness for body and soul

For the primitive human, natural forms of movement such as running, jumping, and throwing were essential for survival. Daily needs, often linked to survival, forced humans to maintain the best possible physical condition. A low level of physical fitness for the primitive human was synonymous with death. It's important to note that physical exertion is not only trendy and healthy but can also be a very attractive way to spend free time, while its absence can lead to heart disease, diabetes, or osteoporosis.

The evolution of humans, along with their intellectual development, led to a reduced dependence on the external environment. The progress in science and technology over the last few decades, and the resulting changes in the conditions and lifestyle of people, especially in highly industrialized countries, have had a direct impact on physical and mental health. These changes can be grouped into two categories: negative and positive. Negative effects include environmental degradation, the emergence of many previously unknown threats (nuclear weapons, AIDS, genetic deformities), social plagues, corruption of various needs, especially biological and psychological ones. Modern humans often lack the proper amount of movement, contact with nature, the ability to spontaneously express internal emotional states, close and informal contacts with other people, and a consistent system of recognized and implemented values.

Among the positive aspects of these changes, we can mention an overall improvement in the standard of living, medical progress, and the elimination or reduction of the effects of many diseases. People's interests have expanded, and there is an increase in leisure time and its utilization possibilities. One of the forms of active leisure is taking advantage of the services offered by fitness clubs. This applies primarily to residents of large urban areas, where the scope of such services, associated with the demand for them, is much greater than in smaller towns. In large cities, where the pace of life and work is the highest, people are exposed to psychological overload, stress, improper nutrition, and a lack of exercise (hypokinesia).

Forms of active recreation offered by fitness clubs provide natural ways to maintain and restore health and balance, both internal (homeostasis) and in the relationship between humans and the environment (social, cultural).

The beginnings of fitness are associated with the invention and popularization of basic recreational gymnastics, such as aerobics. The cradle of aerobics is the United States. Dr. Kenneth Cooper, who worked as a doctor at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in the 1970s, is considered the inventor of this form of exercise. He developed fitness programs for American astronauts and conducted numerous studies on thousands of people, allowing him to create the principles of aerobics.

Aerobic exercises gave rise to the name of this form of physical activity for millions of people. The characteristic feature of this type of effort was that the circulatory and respiratory system of the exerciser worked in a way that allowed the body to take in enough oxygen during exercises and avoid periods of oxygen deprivation.

Over time, the number and offerings of fitness clubs increased. Alongside music-based classes, gyms were offered as an alternative for men, massage rooms, dry and steam saunas, as well as various additional services, such as hair salons and cafes. The global development of fitness, starting with the popularization of its basic form - aerobics, progressed quickly and without major difficulties. One of the many effects of this development was the creation of new forms of aerobic exercises. These served as a way to diversify classes, and most importantly, allowed them to be adapted to the capabilities and expectations of individual clients.

Participating in classes offered by fitness clubs allows potential exercisers to provide movement, neutralize stresses and psychological overload, prevent various diseases and ailments, renew physical and mental strength, shape the body and personality, satisfy various needs, and integrate themselves. The benefits of this type of physical activity are so significant that it's worth paying attention to them, participating in them, and promoting them.

During exercise, proper breathing is very important, not only for better oxygenation but also to help lose weight. Thus, daily physical activity cannot be considered without considering breathing. Generally, we have lost the ability to use the skill of proper breathing. It has become a habit treated unconsciously. The sense of proper breathing lies in drawing life energy from clean air and accumulating it within ourselves. Usually, we breathe shallowly and quickly, sometimes adding cigarette smoke. Breathing and digestive processes are closely related. In available literature, you can find descriptions of a dozen or so health-promoting and lung-strengthening breathing systems. Different breathing exercises have different applications. It's not just about increased oxygen intake but also the rapid cleansing of the lungs and the circulatory system from toxins. Additionally, breathing can have a stimulating or calming effect.

Remember that morning gymnastics stimulates metabolism for many hours. This means that after exercises, you burn more energy in daily activities, such as cleaning. Before applying nourishing cream, treat the skin to a massage. This will improve circulation and cleanse the tissues of toxins. Pat, knead, and pinch the buttocks, legs, arms, and abdomen after such treatment; the skin will have a double appetite for cosmetics.

One type of fitness training is FAT BURNING, which focuses on burning fat. Various exercises with variable intensity on selected muscle parts, STEP - intense choreographic exercises with a platform, during which the thighs, hips, and arms work intensively. Suitable for everyone, but you need healthy joints and spine, as well as a great sense of rhythm, POWER STEP - step for advanced users, fast music, a lot of movement, SPIN-BIKE, SPINNING, AEROBIKING - exercises on stationary bikes with gears and a handlebar allowing for intense riding in three positions. 45 minutes of cycling burn from 900 to 1200 kcal. Exercises for fat reduction on the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks, such as BPU (Abdomen, Buttocks, Thighs) - exercises improving the appearance of the lower body parts, ABS (Abdominal Body System) - exercises for leg, buttock, and abdominal muscles using weights, BBS (Hips, Abdomen, Stretching) - abdominal, hip, and buttock gymnastics ending with stretching and relaxing exercises.

If you want to strengthen your muscles and shape your figure, you can do BS (Body Sculpting) - body sculpting exercises. These involve repeated static strengthening and firming exercises for key muscles. Working on individual body parts using bands, dumbbells, and weights placed on legs, MAGIC BAR, BODY BAR, BODY PUMP - exercises with weights and a barbell at different paces, under the strict control of the instructor. Each muscle group is strengthened separately with different loads. After just one month, you'll see a slimmer silhouette, stronger muscles, joints, and bones. For exercisers for at least two months who want to improve the tension of various body parts.

2006 plastmed.en
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