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Preschool for a Child

Certainly, you are aware that there is no one proven recipe allowing a child to go through the entire adaptation process to the conditions, atmosphere, and environment prevailing in kindergarten without tears and nerves. However, we have a significant influence, and we can help the child cross the kindergarten threshold. We need to consider why our child doesn't want to go to kindergarten or, if they want to go, after a day or two, they refuse to hear about it. Kindergarten is a new place where our child feels unfamiliar, knows no one, is afraid, or feels embarrassed to ask. We must not give up, find a good kindergarten, talk to the director, do not be afraid to ask questions until all your doubts are resolved.

April is traditionally the month when enrollment begins in most public kindergartens. As everyone probably knows, there is no surplus of places in public institutions. It is worth not waiting until the last moment and submitting an application for kindergarten now so that it does not turn out to be too late, and we may find ourselves only on the waiting list, counting on the whims of fate that someone will resign, and a place will become available. Counting on September is definitely not an option. Later, we can only count on private kindergartens, and those from the more expensive category, and not always can we afford it. In cheaper ones, the situation may also look like in public kindergartens.

Regardless of the above, it is worth getting to know a bit about the future place where our little one will spend their time. To do this, it is good to visit the kindergarten of interest and get acquainted, even briefly, with the conditions prevailing there. Kindergartens often allow even quite thorough familiarization by organizing open days, demonstration classes, preparatory and adaptation classes, where our child can participate. It is worth taking advantage of such opportunities for several reasons. We will know where we are sending our child and who will take care of them; we will see the reaction of our little one; we will find out what will be needed in September when things really start. We will also be able to decide whether to enroll our child here.

When we have already chosen the institution and enrolled our child, let's talk to them positively about kindergarten, emphasizing its advantages. Let's not scare the child with kindergarten, let's not evoke our sometimes bad memories, only the good ones. The child may be afraid of kindergarten because it is not independent, cannot use the toilet, eat independently, dress themselves, recognize their belongings. Sometimes they still eat from a bottle or use a pacifier at home, and going to kindergarten is not just parting with parents but also with habits that we have not weaned our little ones from in time. Let's think about whether it is so, whether the whole family is ready to help, to replace. We should be consistent in upbringing, set boundaries for the child, barriers of "you cannot do this" or "you cannot do that," and shape the child's hygienic habits, teach them to eat diverse foods, not just their favorites. Please do not think that the child must be 100% proficient in all these things, but they must be trained by us parents in this direction much earlier than the end of August.

The staff of the kindergarten you choose will undoubtedly do everything to make the child like kindergarten. Let's also do something ourselves; work with the child, teach them independence, teach them to part with parents for shorter and longer periods. Take advantage of the offer of adaptation meetings; they are an opportunity for a closer acquaintance with the kindergarten, teachers, and working methods. And when the first separation comes in September, let's not cry in front of the child because it does not help them. Let's be firm, joyful, and have the conviction that we entrust our child to professionals, educated people, specialists in this field.

A child attending kindergarten learns independence, establishing contacts with others, both children and adults. They learn to function in a group, cope with various situations that may arise. All these behaviors are carefully observed by teachers. The child receives "information" about whether a given behavior is appropriate or not. We parents also receive information about our child's behavior; we must use it correctly and teach children appropriate behaviors.

The preschool period is a time of first sympathies and antipathies; we can sensitize the child to "otherness," teach tolerance. The slogans I mentioned: independence, establishing contacts, the ability to function in a group, tolerance, openness - are these not desirable traits for young people by future employers? Perhaps in this statement, I am getting ahead of myself a bit, but don't we want our child to quickly acclimatize in school, find a common language with the teacher and peers, be able to cope in difficult situations, reconcile with failure, and make good use of successes? All parents want their child to take on challenges, not be afraid to act, try their hand at various endeavors, and be liked. Kindergarten offers a chance to shape certain behaviors. Some children will not have difficulty with this, but there are many shy, withdrawn children who need exactly this kindergarten training.

In addition to behaviors, kindergarten shapes a whole range of self-service skills in children: eating, dressing, tying shoes, etc. It gives a chance for activities that we parents do not always allow at home. It shapes a whole range of school skills and in the field of fine arts, music, dance, theater. In kindergarten, the child will get to know the wealth of children's literature from various genres, have a chance to be an actor, reciter, dancer, etc. Here, the talents and predispositions of children are often noticed, which often decide about further education: music schools, dance schools, art clubs.

The child must act, achieve successes, experience the unpleasant and joyful emotions, learn from their mistakes, and their character, skills, and behavior are shaped in this way.

2006 plastmed.en
Osoby online: 193
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